David Connearn wurde 1952 geboren. Er studierte Geschichte am Queens College in Cambridge und schloss 1975 mit dem Diplom ab. 1979 erhielt er sein BA in Fine Art (Skulptur) an der Camberwell School of Art. Bis 1981 setzte er das Studium an der Slade School (HDFA) fort. Er wurde 2000 zum John Florent Stone Fellow am Edinburgh College of Art ernannt. Seine Werke befinden sich in den öffentlichen Sammlungen des Victoria & Albert Museum, des City Arts Centre Edinburgh, des Irish Museum of Modern Art, des British Museum, des Arts Council England und The British Council und sie sind in den Sammlung von James Ward Aldon, Adam Barker-Mill, Doris Lockhardt, Alan Banks, der Economist und Unilever.
David Connearn, born 1952, attended Queens‘ College Cambridge where he took a degree in History (1975), Camberwell School of Art where he obtained his BA in Fine Art (Sculpture) in 1979, and was a postgraduate at The Slade School (HDFA 1981). David was appointed John Florent Stone Fellow at the Edinburgh College of Art in 2000. He has works in the public collections of the Victoria & Albert Museum, the City Arts Center Edinburgh, the Irish Museum of Modern Art, the British Museum, the Arts Council England and The British Council, and it is in the collection of James Ward Aldon, Adam Barker-Mill, Doris Lockhardt, Alan Banks, of the Economist and Unilever.